Write for women in ink

Share your voice with the world! Write an essay about any feminist topic, whether it be politics, LGBTQ+ rights, sexism in the workplace, or your own experience with injustice, and we’ll put it on display. Poetry and short stories with feminist themes are also accepted!

Send your essay to womenin.ink@gmail.com or fill out the form below.


  • Essays should be 650-1500 words, double-spaced. Please check the length of your essay before sending it—essays that go beyond or below this requirement may not be considered.

  • Submissions should have page numbers and should contain author’s name and contact information. Please include a title!

  • Cite your sources. We want to release reliable content, so please tell us where you got your information.

  • Opinion pieces are extremely encouraged! We prefer essays with a clear, strong point of view.

  • Any essays with hostile or discriminatory content will be immediately rejected.

Have fun writing!